Nexsure 2.3 Release Notes (04-23-12)
Nexsure 2.3 Enhancements
- Client Reconciliation Threshold Minimum (Cash Receipt - A credit write off security). (F4150)Link to topic
- Add general ledger numbers as an additional angle that includes range. (F6229)
- Add control should have [Save] instead of [Update]. (F4393)
- [Controls] should be named as [Cancel] to match other user interface. (F4394)
- Move [Save] and [Cancel] links to the end instead of keeping the links in the center. (F4395)
- Journal Entry controls should be made applicable to reversals. (F6384)
- Direct Bill Statement Entry - Direct Bill Commission posting module. (F6230)
- Direct Bill Statement Entry - Searching for a policy. (F6231)
- Direct Bill Statement Entry - Ability to "hot-key" sort. (F6232)
- Direct Bill Statement Entry - Reverse invoices when reversing reconciliation. (F6233)
- Display GL Allocation Template used on A/P. (F2796)
- Designate C or P on Cash Receipt search results. (F6790)
- EFT, ACH or Disbursement types should not show a check number of 0. (F6791)
Commission Download
- DB Commission Download - Reconciliation creation. (F6234)
- DB Commission Download - Invoices producer credit greater than 100%. (F6235)
- DB Commission Download - Invoices created show a FLAT commission. (F6236)
- If the policy numbers do not match and they manually match up the policy one time, the system is supposed to remember that policy 123 is supposed to be the commission for policy XYZ. (F6247)
- DB Commission Downloads - Round commission totals to the nearest penny on invoices. (F6392)
- Add Business Type filters to Home binder log, audits, endorsements and cancellations. (F6336)
- Business Type Filter Rule: Apply to Home > client opportunities, marketing, edits, client policy, expiration. (F6460)
- Close gaps business type security (client screens, etc). (F5099)
- Change drop-down Business Type filter on interface screen to lookup ellipses. (F6400)
- Expand policy restriction to Summary of Insurance. (F6377)
- Expand policy restriction to Market Analysis. (F6378)
- Expand policy restriction to Certificates. (F6379)
- Expand policy restriction to Client Opportunities Summary screen. (F6395)
- Expand policy restriction to Certificate Summary tab. (F6380)
- Expand policy restriction to Attachments. (F6376)
- Expand policy restriction to Verifications Summary screen. (F6393)
- Add annualized premium of a sort edit. (F6412)
- Add search by Billing Carrier to Home marketing and edits. (F6410)
- Add search by Policy # to Home edits and marketing. (F6411)
Document Management
- Attachment Manager including Drag and drop attachments. (F2642) Link to Topic
- Attachment Manager: Ability to globally search by attachment name and description. (F6913)
- Add additional security options for attachment manager and mobile access to employee screens. (F6912)
- Add filter for portal viewable from the Nexsure Attachments screen. (F6253)
- American Commerce CT personal auto certification(F6929)
Forms & Certificates
- ACORD 22 Certificate (F3012)
- ACORD 23 Certificate(F4821)
- Ability to deliver certificates from on place (F4302/4986)
- Search for existing holders at cert detail level (F6383)
- Alert for user when data entry in cert field begins to go beyond the accepted number of characters (F6398)
- Expand coverage/perils/forms description fields to 85 characters on the ACORD 27 (F6390)
- Map additional expense field on the ACORD 84 to the ACORD 27 (F559)
- Activate lookup[ link with population for locations on the ACORD 27 (F997/5483)
- Activate lookup link with population for vehicles on the ACORD 27 (F1045/3677)
- Activate Lookup link with population of vehicles on the ACORD 28 (F1044/6406)
- Activate lookup link with population for vehicles on the ACORD 24 (F6407)
- Activate lookup link on the ACORD 25 (F6456)
- Ability to view policy data from certificates (application form and SOI)
- Replace certificate sync option on cert detail with new lookup functionality
- CNA Real Time Integration for WComp, BAUTO & BOP
- Begin Safari / Firefox Compliance. (F6794)
- Begin IE9 Compliance. (F6877 & F6878)
- Copy policy level classifieds when renewing policies. (F6302)
- Copy policy level classifieds when remarketing policies. (F6303)
- Copy policy level classifieds when rewriting policies. (F6346)
- Retail agent statement. (F5207)
- DB Entry Exceptions Report - New report - Develop new transaction report. Design will need to follow final design of Statement Entry. (F6323)
Retail Agent
- Client AR/ Retail Agent Commissionable Invoice (Cash Receipt- Retail Agent). (F6228)
- Client Invoice: Remove A/R from Retail Agent when assigned to a client and replace with a Third Party Commissionable checkbox that will indicate third party commissionable is attached to a client. (F6355)
- Client Transaction Views: Removing [RA] from Client Invoice where invoice is Client Billed. (F6357)
- Retail Agent Transaction Views: Payable view includes client billed Retail Agent commissionable invoices. (F6358)
- Retail Agent Disbursement: Renaming ‘Invoices’ to ‘Receivable Invoices’ and adding Payables Invoices link to Quick Navigation. (F6359)
- Retail Agent Payables Reconciliation: Include client billed Retail Agent commissionable invoices in Transactions link. (F6356)
Submission Suite
- Color schemes need to be at the program level for branding. (F6688)Link to topic
- Need to access supplement forms for submission suite. (F6692)
- Add in the blind copy assignment for incomplete submission. (F6693)
- Add the ability to modify the statement near the submit button with hyperlinks to external documents (fraud statements) at the end of the submission document. The check box that the submitter has to check in order to submit would then include “I have also read the fraud statement in full detail and understand that by clicking this box, I agree that all of the information provided is truthful to the best of my knowledge.” with a blue hyperlink that they can click to see the full fraud statement. (F6694)
- Add the ability to write instructions for the attachment section (i.e.: we only accept Excel spreadsheet in the attachments). (F6695)
- There needs to be a summary screen to show the scheduled items that have been entered (ex. dive professionals, certifications, locations and additional insureds). This could be made like the floating box. When a client has 25 dive professionals to add, it is difficult to remember which ones are completed if you get interrupted and if user navigates back to the data entry screen, he cannot move forward without entering a new record. (F6690)
- Dim the OK command button after selected when adding client so user can't keep selecting it. (F6848)
- Would like the ability to copy programs. (F6468)
- Add a field to customize the final confirmation page title by program (currently says "Quote Submitted"). (F6803)
- Printing from the floating menu or Review Summary prints in gray as opposed to black. (F6858)
- Ability to suppress client communication at program level. (F6923)
Resolved Issues
Nexsure 2.3 Resolved Issues
- Statement Entry: Package Total premiums are not available in QN-Statement entry. (D20190)
- Statement Entry: Unposted invoices get deleted even if user cancels posting of the reconciliation. (D22386)
- Vendors: Accounting transaction tab print displays server error. (D23290)
- Vendors: Accounting transaction tab export displays server error. (D23289)
- Disbursements:Default Check selection list has duplicated and incorrect items (D11372/12534)
- Certificates: importing a holder with a status of inactive doesn't work. (D20212)
- Certificates: Wind policy not available to pull in to Acord 28. (D18353)
- Certificates: Inactive holders show in the batch print popup(D18549)
- Verifications:sort by policy # on verification master errors. (D10570)
- Verifications:inactive vehicles show as active in master batch print popup(D13449)
- Verification reference field does not hold changes until screen is refreshed. (D556)
- Interface Advanced Search tab - Sorting by Interface Type is not working. (D23231)
Home Menu
- Expiration report export is blank - Doesn't recognize business type in search filter. (D20050)
- Search filter by billing method not working. (D15413)
- Policy status drop-down does not have Rewritten as a choice to search on the home marketing screen. (D3910)
- Filter settings not saving in Home > Marketing. (D19977)
- Filter Binder log save filter doesn't retain bill method. (D20184)
- Endorsements: save filter settings not saving dates (D15801)
- Expirations: Clearing & sorting by sort field 1 goes to white screen when large amounts of data exist. (D15459)
- Exporting home expirations screen is blank if user has an apostrophe in their name(D14688)
- Clearing home expirations filter does not clean nonrenewals only check box (D15465)
- Adding a new classified, then canceling the add and going directly to policy info causes error. (D18978)
- Fixed policy effective dates on endorsements so that they can be changed if within the policy period for that iteration(D23406)
- Clicking In force policy link from card file on a restricted policy allows unassigned user to open underwriting screen. (D17255)
- Restricted policies can be accessed through client card file and setup T-logs by user not assigned to policy. (D15430)
- Policy Restriction should block any unassigned user from endorsing restricted policy. (D20280)
Submission Suite
- Where does agency phone number come from? Bringing in primary contact cell phone. (D22888)
- The check box fields need to be preselected as blank (radio buttons complete in 2.1.3). (D23016)
- Home Menu: Filter and Page Defects: Clear doesn't clear all fields, page isn't consistent with rest of Nexsure. (D23088)
- Submission Suite Details: Inconsistencies with rest of system. (D23090)
- Assignment listing not in alpha order. (D23092)
- Login > Submissions > Details > Submission data. (D23091)
There is an update option next to quote as well as one in the tool bar. The one next to Quote needs to be bright blue to indicate it's a button.
Make nature of business description and coverage amounts bold.
- Calendar doesn't show all dates or months. (D23127)
- Would like attachments added in submission to attach to attachment screen on client. (D23238)
Nexsure 2.3 Important Notifications
Security Alerts
The following security items can be found by accessing the user security for each employee . To access the security tab, on the Primary menu, click ORGANIZATION > Employees > Security. There are two new check box options. Selecting the check box as explained below and saving the change prior to exiting provides the user access to the specified feature.
Attachment Manager
If your organization is a member of the Nexsure Users Group, you will have access to the new Attachment Manager. The default value for access to the attachment manager will be unchecked upon release (no access). In order to provide access to the attachment manager, select the "allow access to attachment manager" check box on the employee security tab.
Any attachment security already set by your organization through the user rights templates will still apply in the attachment manager so no additional setup or modification of rights should be necessary.
Nexsure Mobile
With this release there is a place holder ont he employee security page that will allow users to turn off access Nexsure Mobile. This feature will not actually take effect until a new version of Nexsure Mobile is released. Selecting or de-selecting this check box will have no affect at this time.
Setup Controls
Existing security for Setup-Controls-Modify” security setting now extends to cover the new GL Account controls